

8 wishes and 10,000 miles 八個願望令他單騎了10000公里(感人故事)

8 Wishes:

1) Raise $1 million dollars. All proceeds will be donated to the Dyslexia Awareness Resource Center (DARC) and the Learning Disabilities Association of America (LDA).

2) 100 million views of the 10,000 Miles and 8 Wishes video. Generate the greatest amount of visibility with minimal funding.

3) Be interviewed by Oprah. She has the power and the audience to make a real difference.

4) Interview Paul Orfelea, founder of Kinkos with dyslexia (GRANTED)

5) Interview Sir. Richard Branson, Founder of Virgin with dyslexia

6) Interview Charles Schwab, who also has dyslexia

7) Be on 88 blogs and websites. Together, we can prove the power of the internet and social media.

8) All in 88 days! I want to keep this fun and exciting, while creating a sense of urgency surrounding this issue.

In the spirit of this project and the internet, you will see us make changes quickly and move with the response of our readers. Our greatest advantage is our ability to be flexible and nimble. Aside from our mission, nothing is set in stone. If at times we appear unorganized or directionless, it’s because I’m letting you determine our direction— I want to create a fundraiser that’s fun for our supporters. Our promise is to always be transparent and keep our supporters engaged in granting my 8 Wishes.

About Paul Sanchez

Paul Sanchez, age 30, has suffered from dyslexia and ADD his entire life. In second grade, he tested positively for a learning disability but results were not strong enough to be placed in a special learning faciltity. Therefore, he was put in a regular schooling, where he “suffered through nearly 18 years at California public schools.

After attending numerous city colleges, Paul finally tested positive for dyslexia and ADD at Santa Barbara City College. Under a program that provided much needed assistance, Paul was able to earn his Associates Degree from the College in 2004 at age 28.

Following graduation, he set out on his mission to create a documentary about dyslexia and learning differences and the struggles of children around the country. From July 7, 2004 to February 2, 2005, Paul completed a 10,000 mile bike ride around the perimeter of the country. During this trip, he met 13 children with dyslexia or learning differences in 13 different major cities. He is now living in Santa Barbara, CA working to promote and raise funding for his documentary, Soloride, through the 8 Wishes initiative.

